New article in Wired News
Posted: 23 September 2004 04:44 AM     [ Ignore ]  
In The Club
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it seems that has been registered by Gratis…but I doubt thats coming up next…but a free PSP…who wouldnt want one!!  :D

Posted: 23 September 2004 04:44 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
In The Club
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Posted: 23 September 2004 04:57 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
In The Club
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Wow.  Idiotic journalism at its worst. :|

Earlier this month, Jim Youll, a 39-year-old CTO from Cambridge, Massachusetts, signed up with a virgin e-mail address and within hours started receiving spam.

“This is not an encouraging trend,” he said, “and these are not targeted ads. They are garden-variety junk spams.”

That’s what that Junk Mail folder in your e-mail is for, moron.

Aaron Shier, a 19-year-old student from Hamilton, New York, sent numerous unanswered queries to the company while waiting nearly 40 days to receive his iPod. When he did get it, it was from Hewlett-Packard, not the Apple Computer one he ordered.

“I am still getting spammed and so are the people who signed up for me,” he said. “They stay true to their word that they will get you out a product, but their customer service is miserable.”

1) You got an HPod because you CHOSE it, dumbass; don’t complain because you got something for free with a better customer support system and warranty, douche.
2) Yeah, customer service sucks, but can you really blame them?  They’ve been bloody swamped for a couple of months now.

“The terms and conditions are absolutely incredible,” said Richard Strauss, who investigated the site before signing up. Strauss said the contract allows Gratis to substitute products, ignore complaints and change the number of required referrals.

“In other words, they can pretty much do, or not do, anything they feel like doing,” he said. “Pretty amazing.”

Uh, isn’t that like just about ANY Terms and Conditions?  They can do nearly whatever they want?

Christ, I can’t believe people still complain like little pussies just because of spam and the fact that they got a FREE HPod instead of a FREE iPod. :|


I’m bloody thankful that I’m getting an HPod.  The spam?  I don’t even notice it.  It’s only 3 or 4 mails every other day, so why should I?


Stupid spoiled unappreciative pricks.

Posted: 23 September 2004 04:57 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
I'm A Regular
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helos explain things a bit more, and doesnt have me as pissed now. they sayin its cuz of Apple. now i just wished they explained their newest procedure of shippin them out :lol:

Posted: 23 September 2004 05:36 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Silly noobs.

“Hmm, switch to HP Ipod. I wonder what that means? Maybe I’ll click on it”

2 weeks later…

“OMG! I got a HP Ipod instead of an Apple!!!!11 I can’t believe they did this to me. I’m going to complain to the BBB for getting an Ipod for free!!”

Posted: 23 September 2004 07:12 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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As well as, Gratis Internet is also behind, and The company recently launched and is planning to introduce a couple of similar sites in the next few days

Does anyone know or have any clue what these new offers might be?? I havent heard of any coming up soon, but that news article sure seems to suggest otherwise…Just cant wait!!  GOo GRATISSS!!! 👏  👏


Posted: 23 September 2004 07:21 AM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
I'm A Regular
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if this was suppose to be a negative story.. why I am so excited to read the part about more offers coming in the next few days 😉

Posted: 23 September 2004 07:28 AM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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I’m sure all of us are….I just cant wait to find out what surprises Gratis has in store for us….Wat are they gonna give out next!!!  :?  :think:

Posted: 23 September 2004 07:31 AM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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The people in this article are MORONS!!  Don’t they know that you can go to and get off of Gratis’ marketing list?  Also, if you sign up with your personal e-mail, you deserve to get spam.  It’s not that hard to go create some free e-mail account to use for spam.  When will peole learn??!!??  :?

Posted: 23 September 2004 02:27 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
In The Club
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I had nothing but good experiences with  I mean, there were some website glitches, but from the time I signed up to the time my iPod arrived was about a month.  I know my experience is not the norm, but cmon!  It’s a $300 toy for free for a little hassle, and if you’re not smart enough to avoid SPAM you’re too stupid to complain in the first place.  :?

Posted: 26 September 2004 09:02 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
You > Me
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I think people’s expectations have gotten out of hand.
You are getting something free, therefore, a few spam emails should be expected, maybe some other stuff, its necessary to think things through just a little…. Thats all it really takes.
I don’t get these people complaining, maybe if they payed for the merchandise.
That article is crap, maybe they were running out of things to write about and they ended up exaggerating any negatives Gratis deals may have.

Nobody should be complaining.
