Most over-used slang term. |
Posted: 20 September 2004 07:28 AM |
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Right now I would say P.I.M.P. I even saw someone on The Apprentice using it. :sick:
Posted: 20 September 2004 08:47 AM |
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Saying things like “PIMP” is whack.
Posted: 20 September 2004 09:15 AM |
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[quote author=“Tighr”]Saying things like “PIMP” is whack.
Fo shizzle.
Posted: 20 September 2004 09:22 AM |
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If any of you figure out more of these slang terms, holla back at me.
Posted: 20 September 2004 09:58 AM |
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How bout most over-used phrase “you know what I’m saying?” know what I’m saying?
Posted: 20 September 2004 10:00 AM |
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Yeah, whenever I tell a story, I always insert the word “so” instead of “um” for those uncomfortable pauses… so, yeah.
Posted: 20 September 2004 10:11 AM |
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Posted: 20 September 2004 10:13 AM |
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I was saying that “so” could be a sort of slang. It crops up all over my story-telling.
On an unrelated tangent, I am an awesome story-teller. I can make up **** like its going out of style.
Back to the original topic: the phrase “like its going out of style” is going out of style.
Posted: 20 September 2004 11:38 AM |
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I say dude a lot, even to women. That’s my over-used slang term.
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Dude, Bling-Bling, Cool, -izzle (any variant), holla back, tight, fo’ real, fo’ in general, kneegrow, manchowder, dweeb, newbie, using 0’s as o’s, Queer ass CS jibberish such as “0wnz0rz” and “Pwn’d” and “j00”.
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[quote author=“Attica”]Dude, Bling-Bling, Cool, -izzle (any variant), holla back, tight, fo’ real, fo’ in general, kneegrow, manchowder, dweeb, newbie, using 0’s as o’s, Queer ass CS jibberish such as “0wnz0rz” and “Pwn’d” and “j00”.
I didn’t know pwned was overused or queer! Crap! :o
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Word. I use that too much.
Like at school, when some kids like, “Man, that kids a fucktard” and I just reply “Word.”
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i always use the N word when i call my friends just use to it.
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“Like”. You know, like when someone’s trying to say something, and like, you know, they’re a f*cking idiot and, like, don’t know what in the hell to say?
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[quote author=“MSP”]“Like”. You know, like when someone’s trying to say something, and like, you know, they’re a f*cking idiot and, like, don’t know what in the hell to say?
My sister used to say it a lot until my dad kept asking, “is it “like” this, or actually this” and she just stopped because he pissed her off. It worked really well.
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[quote author=“MSP”]“Like”. You know, like when someone’s trying to say something, and like, you know, they’re a f*cking idiot and, like, don’t know what in the hell to say?
:| I have this problem.
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i call people Kid a lot.. even when they’re older than me..
but not many others do that.. so yeah
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The other day on the phone with Dell the technician used the phrase “puppy” 6-7 times! “Well, let’s see if that puppy is in stock…” or “Have you run the diagnostics on that puppy?” or “Looks like that puppy is dead…”. Mid way through the call I started keeping score, it was funny.
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I completed my Diagnostics! :love:

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I am finding myself saying “Dude” a lot more lately. And like someone else said earlier, I say “like” a lot. LOL I can’t speak on behalf of the other Valley girls, but I say it ‘cause I’m really slow and I have to fill the time in with something! LOL
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