I’m not Christian. But was raised in a Christian household. Here are some of my thoughts.
Hector, I believe you said something to the effect of ‘how can you learn the truth about religion unless you get together and discuss’. I couldn’t agree more. However, how many organized religious churches have you been to where they ‘discuss’ the religion? Usually you have a ‘preacher’ who talks, the audience listens. That is NOT discussion.
Someone said the bible is from God. Nope. Inspired by perhaps, dictated by maybe, but not directly from God. The Bible has many different contributing authors, none of which are God or Jesus. All of the bible was written by human beings. Supposedly, much of it is recording the word of God, but secretaries makes mistakes, court reporters make mistakes. HUMANS make mistakes, have their own agendas, etc.
So, best case scenario, you have God talking, a man doing his best to write it all down without making mistakes. Then you have multiple generations of men copying and translating from one language to the next. A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a NOT original definitive word…. does not equal God’s definitive word.
And much as Kirk didn’t understand why God needed a starship, why did the almighty need for man to record his word. Why not pen the bible himself?
Physics and the study of evolution Disprove much of the story of creation also. The book starts out in error.
Now then for the religion itself. According to the bible and christianity, we are created in God’s image, we are given free will, we are expected to do God’s will, or die eternal death.
So, he makes the puppet in his image. He gets the puppet to perform. If the puppet does not make the puppeteer happy, the strings are cut and the puppet tossed aside forever. That does not seem compassionate at all to me. That doesn’t sound like freedom to me. It strikes very near to slavery. And it really doesn’t make sense either. If he has the power to create beings, why go through the trouble of giving freewill in the first place. It’s not really free if there’s only one acceptable route to take.
I could go on an on and on…...
Now then, I have faith in a higher power, and I call that power God for lack of a better name. And I choose to believe it is compasionate, and is the same power written of and spoken of by Christians, and Buddists, and Wiccans, etc. It’s just that most religions got all the details wrong.
Just my $.02 I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, nor am I inviting others to try and change mine. Just opinions, nothing more nothing less. So please, no one take it personally.