[quote author=“sweet jesus”]I realize it wasn’t Bush’s fault that it didn’t get renewed and you’re right it probably didn’t do much but I feel safer when stuff is in writing.
Essentially the bill forbade assault weapons from being kept in the home. It also bans the manufacture of 19 weapons, including AK-47’s, Uzies, and Colt AR 15’s. Copies or duplicates of the weapons are banned. Even if you don’t think this is a big deal, I think it’s something that should have been renewed anyway. You can’t honestly claim that you need a Kashalnikov, the international symbol for revolution, for hunting or home protection. That’s ridiculous. A simple glock is enough for home security. These are military assault weapons, not your father’s saturday night special. I personally feel that not renewing this is a pledge from Bush to gun lobbyists who were pushing for this not to get renewed.
One last thing…who needs a bayonet? Honestly, unless you’re a civil war reenactor I guess. But then again, we did use bayonets up through the vietnam war. So it could be handy if the Viet Cong attack us.
There you go again with your conspiracy theories 😛
I’m 100% positive you can purchase Colt AR-15’s, but they lack slight modifications that the military M-16 series carries. I’ve seen this weapon up for purchase on several gun websites, so I’m positive you’re wrong there.
Also, read the ABCNews article on it. It says that there are previous weapons bans that include the AK-47 and Uzi, so I doubt this bill being dropped will affect anything.
I agree, it does make some people feel safe. For that, I won’t argue with you. You have a right to feel safe, and if a piece of paper makes you feel safe…then so be it :D However, I don’t feel you should feel any less safe because this bill hasn’t been renewed. Again, read the article…
Also, I’m not quite sure why you think it banned keeping assault rifles in the home. I know several people who own various assault rifles, and they are kept in their homes. If you are talking about particular assault rifles (the AK-47 or the Uzi), as I said before, they are still (presumably) banned because of prior legislative acts. However, I really don’t think the AK weapons series are banned… I could point to several places and say, “Look, AK’s available for sale to US citizens!” Not sure much has changed, except for the Uzi, which, I believe is still banned.
/beginning my political conspiracy theory
I feel that, when the people at the DNC got ahold of this story, they saw an opportunity to spin it into something they could use to their advantage. The puppets then spoke, and now you have this entire media flurry over nothing more than suppressors, collapsible stocks, and bayonets. I’ve seen suppressors for sale before, so I’m not sure that was affected all that much. Plus, we’re talking about things that can be home made, which in turns makes it more economical for the would-be criminals to not buy these things anyway.
I agree with you on the bayonets, and I’m sure if enough people care about this antiquated weapon being released to the public, then our great government (yeah, right) will pass measures to bring it back from the dead.
The Viet Cong…did you see “We Were Soldiers”? The Viet Cong soldiers depicted in that movie were courageous, seemingly fearless, and totally committed to their country. I don’t want to talk about whether or not we should have been there, though. That’s a mindless discussion now, as retrospective looks at this topic would yield little or no benefit.
I’m not sure I’d like to live in a world that is mostly governed by Communistic rule. Think of the former Soviet Union, and then think, that if the whole world were like that, of how much humanitarian aid we’d be being asked to give… Not an economically bright scenario for anyone…