You know what?  I don’t want to remember 9/11.
Posted: 10 September 2004 10:03 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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yea talked about 9/11 in my government class today.  It tooked almost the whole class period and my teacher was asking all these questions about how we felt and everything.

Posted: 10 September 2004 10:03 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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It just feels like I have better things to do than sit around and watch news stories on it all day.  I’m tired of talking about where I was at that hour, or who I was with.  I’m most tired of Bush and his insane march to Iraq.


Posted: 10 September 2004 10:14 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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i don’t plan on turning the tv this weekend, unless it’s to cartoon network of course

Posted: 10 September 2004 10:31 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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awww.. come on you guys. at least remember the event and think about what happened.  If we forget about what has happened and put in our past it might come back and bite us in the ass again if we aren’t careful. Just my opinion. *shrugs* I’m not saying watching the 9/11 stuff all weekend but take the time to remember.

Posted: 10 September 2004 10:34 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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watsup hmbld good to see you back. anyway, anyone read the dailynews if ya live in NYC. damn stores are using 9/11 event as a way to get some fast cash. $50 for a box of american cookies?

Posted: 10 September 2004 10:39 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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*hugz snak3y3z1001* hey you.. just thought I’d do a quick check in. I’m still on vacation.

I can’t believe they are doing that, awful… just plain awful.

Posted: 10 September 2004 02:26 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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I went to Catholic high school, and on 9/11 we were actually in an all-school mass celebrating the opening of a new school year. I was a senior in high school. The principal came to the pulpit and said that a plane had just crashed in new york, and that it may have hit a building, and we should keep the passengers in our prayers. It wasn’t until Mass was over and we got back to class that we turned on the TVs and realized just how serious it was.

Posted: 10 September 2004 02:33 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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yeah, just forget about it like it was a bad dream…

50 years from now they’ll be people saying it didn’t happen, just like they do today when people talk about the Halocaust…

hope your having a safe trip hmdgrl

Posted: 10 September 2004 06:27 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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you dont need to sit in front of the TV all day and watch the ceremonies but dont act like it should be forgotten already.  its a day of rememberence and it deserves a little specal treatment.

keep living your life as usual but never forget.

i dont plan on watching tv at all about 9/11 because they are using the event for their benefit and for ratings and they will glorify all the wrong that has happened since that date but the date has significance to me and i give a lot of thought to all of those who lost someone.

Posted: 10 September 2004 07:12 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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[quote author=“minijigga”]yeah, just forget about it like it was a bad dream…

50 years from now they’ll be people saying it didn’t happen, just like they do today when people talk about the Halocaust…

hope your having a safe trip hmdgrl

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and blown way the hell out of proportion. I didn’t say that I won’t remember what happened and the lessons we learned from it. I’m saying that I don’t need endless hours of media telling me what I already know. I remember when it happened, I was in math class when I still went to college at University of Minnesota.  Someone rushed in and told us what happened. The teacher said we could go home and then afternoon classes were canceled. I spent the next 2 weeks in front of the tv watching the news. Being in the midwest it’s still really hard to grasp what happened. Not that I’m trying to sound without sympathy or concern for what happened but I didn’t feel effected by what happened.  Just kinda hard to get a hold on.

Posted: 10 September 2004 08:46 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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[quote author=“sweet jesus”][quote author=“minijigga”]yeah, just forget about it like it was a bad dream…

50 years from now they’ll be people saying it didn’t happen, just like they do today when people talk about the Halocaust…

hope your having a safe trip hmdgrl

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and blown way the hell out of proportion. I didn’t say that I won’t remember what happened and the lessons we learned from it. I’m saying that I don’t need endless hours of media telling me what I already know. I remember when it happened, I was in math class when I still went to college at University of Minnesota.  Someone rushed in and told us what happened. The teacher said we could go home and then afternoon classes were canceled. I spent the next 2 weeks in front of the tv watching the news. Being in the midwest it’s still really hard to grasp what happened. Not that I’m trying to sound without sympathy or concern for what happened but I didn’t feel effected by what happened.  Just kinda hard to get a hold on.

And I totally agree with you. I didn’t feel affected by it either. As cliche as this is going to sound, I felt as if it were a movie…so surreal. I’ve never been to NYC, so I’ve never seen the things that were destroyed. I was in Vegas when it happened though, and let me tell you, I was quite scared.

On that day, we weren’t sure what the hell was around the corner. Everybody was at Costco stocking up on supplies, everyone thought this was just the beginning of a string of more terrorist events to come. And, being in Vegas, only magnified this feeling of fear, as Vegas is a staple of American success…it can even been seen from space.

We were in the process of moving ourselves from Oregon to Arizona, and to get to Arizona, we had to cross the Hoover Dam. Well, that was closed because they didn’t want it to be attacked by terrorists (chemical weapons in the water supply, afraid that they’d somehow destroy it and didn’t want people on it…things that weren’t too far fetched right then…and still aren’t now!), even though they didn’t really have much of an affect on me, I still felt fearful for what tomorrow might bring. Also, and this is just by coincidence, my long-time gf lives in NY. Every Tuesday, after school, she would goto the WTC for modeling. If you recall, it happened on a Tuesday :( That scared the #### out of me…I mean, what if they had decided to delay their plans for later flights?!

Anyway, my comment was really just off-handed…making a general statement that it seems to me that people have forgotten the significance of what happened that day. I mean, maybe I was one of the few that actually felt it despite having no emotional ties to it. That could be.

My mom balled for hours about it, not sure why…but every time they were talking about how many lives might have been lost, she’d just start crying even harder. You have to remember, on the morning of 9/11, they didn’t know exactly how many might have died. The estimates were as high as 50,000, because that is how many worked in the WTC.

What I would want, is for everyone to places themselves back in that state of fear, for just a moment every year, so that we would all make sure we don’t have something like that happen ever again.

I don’t want people to sit in front of the TV all weekend, and cry…I mean, I’ve seen some of it so far, and I can only take so much. I just don’t want people to start diminishing the significance of what that day meant to our country…because of the current political climate or for any reason. It’s just too important.

EDIT: btw, SJ, I wasn’t making a comment specifically geared towards you or the thread starter 😛 :love: So calm ‘er down with the attack words…

EDIT2: only two weeks 😛 My dad spent the better part of 6-9 in front of the TV…to be fair, we were settling in, and moving his business…so it was the downtime, not every waking second, that he spent watching the news.

Posted: 10 September 2004 10:02 PM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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I totally agree with you on that surreal effect of the whole day. For as many times as I saw those planes crash into the buildings I still felt like credits would role at the end of it.  I would never diminish the importance of what happened that day and I hope every American, despite the atrocities, understood what it is to be American at that point.  I remember the whole country banded together and the world seemed to be with us.  Now the dumb bastards hate us and we’re at each other’s necks (see Bushvs.Kerry thread for more details 😛 ) Anyway, I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt quasi-disenfranchised by the whole day/month.  For all the bad things I might say about America and it’s political/socia/economic system, I wouldn’t live anywhere else… :think:  well unless I had money and then I’d move someplace warmer and with a view like an island but I’d still keep my residency damnit.

Posted: 11 September 2004 12:07 AM   [ # 12 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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👏 I’m glad to hear it :D

That’s what I’m most disillusioned about…we had such unity…and then now :( It’s like you wake up one morning and it’s all gone :sick:

Posted: 11 September 2004 02:58 AM   [ # 13 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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Yesterday we talked about half the class in world studies. I agree with minijigga on this about how it seemed unreal. And when school ended (they didnt tell us what happened) I was riding the bus home and talking with my neighbor and we said “There is probably some terrorist attack or something” And then we go inside his house and see it on the news and we were just amazed.

Posted: 11 September 2004 07:56 AM   [ # 14 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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After dating someone who burst into tears every time you said September 11th and he didn’t even know anyone in New York or Washington DC…I’d be fine if they just took the date off the calendar.  -_-

Posted: 11 September 2004 10:15 AM   [ # 15 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
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[quote author=“RayaniFoxmur”]After dating someone who burst into tears every time you said September 11th and he didn’t even know anyone in New York or Washington DC…I’d be fine if they just took the date off the calendar.  -_-

Yeah, I have a friend who gets touchy about it just because she has relatives there and she’s obsessed with getting out of the midwest and living there. If you had a relative or friend who worked in the building or nearby I can understand but her relatives live in albany or someplace.

Posted: 11 September 2004 10:35 AM   [ # 16 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 16 ]  
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That’s the weird thing.  He knew NO ONE in that area.  We weren’t even allowed to TALK about the day.  He sat on last year yelling at the little kids that would disrespect the day.

I am so glad I don’t date him anymore.  o_o

Posted: 11 September 2004 11:16 AM   [ # 17 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 17 ]  
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I remember I was still sleeping when it happened. I was freshly in college when my friend from high school called me early in the morning panicking: “Oh my gosh, these planes just crashed into the WTC!! What do you think will happen to our dads?!” I’m a military brat, and when that happened, all of my friends and I were scared that our fathers were going to be called to war right then and there or something. Some of our fathers had to carry guns to work. We didn’t know what was going on. A big portion of my family is in the military too, and my uncle works at the Pentagon as well. I called my mom to ask how he was doing, and he was (thank goodness) not there at the time. It was a scary day, but still not one that I would like to remember. My father (now retired from the military) thinks the entire situation is kinda dumb. Not the situation—more like the results of what happened: the mass hysteria, the over-dramatics, etc. We are not an invincible nation. We’re still babies compared to most other nations, and we are considered childish by them too. As far as how the public handled the situation, it is still acting childish by remembering an event that we should probably leave in the past. People leave Rwanda in the past, the Holocaust in the past, etc. You move on—you don’t make the people who lived through those things, including 11 September, live through the events again and again and again. Silent respect is the highest respect, in my opinion. None of these national broadcasts just screaming, “Hey! Some of your fellows died!” It’s just… weird…

Posted: 11 September 2004 04:15 PM   [ # 18 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 18 ]  
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You HAVE to remember.  Those who don’t remember the past are doomed to, uhh, I forget.  😉

Posted: 11 September 2004 04:35 PM   [ # 19 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 19 ]  
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I like you. You are funny. I automatically deem this newbie UNTOUCHABLE, um k

Posted: 11 September 2004 11:30 PM   [ # 20 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 20 ]  
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9/11 should be remembered for what it is…a tragedy, an utter travesty on American soil.

However, people are quick to make profit off of the suffering of thousands of others.

Get your 9/11 special commemorative pins for just $12!  How about a nice 9/11 dinner set?  A 9/11 special edition model of the twin towers with model planes - relive the tragedy!

It’s getting quite sickening really.  I can sympathize with the event itself.  It’s just what others are doing that turns me off.

Posted: 13 September 2004 03:27 AM   [ # 21 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 21 ]  
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^^^  Yeah that’s pretty sickening.

Posted: 13 September 2004 04:12 AM   [ # 22 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 22 ]  
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People are always ready to cash in when something like this happens.  One good example that I never heard the media pick up on was Lee Greenwood.  Right after 9/11 he released an album of patriotic songs, with a picture of him on the cover surrounded by red, white, and blue.  It made me sick…  :x

Posted: 13 September 2004 04:14 AM   [ # 23 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 23 ]  
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It’s the kind of country we live in.  Everyone is out for themselves.  After 9/11 people were nice to each other in New York, for like…2 days.  Then we went back to the usual “go f*** yourself” mentality.
