[quote author=“Andreux”]Who cares if a puppy is hurting? Making a kid cry is just wrong. =\ Puppies won’t find the cure for AIDS. They’re worth nothing. =\
I feel some real anger towards puppies andreux, were you attacked as a child? I’m feeling a pain brought on by childhood memories between you and a dog as being the basis for this thread…tell me what is on your mind. 😛
LOL actually, my sister was the one attacked by dogs all the freakin’ time. It was kinda funny, but she always aggravated those stupid dogs. I think she’s been bitten and literally had her skin BROKEN a total of about 5 to 6 times. :lol:
I’ve never really cared much for animals. They belong in nature. :|
EDIT (15:20 CST): I take that back—the only animal I would have as a pet would be a cat, and that’s only ‘cause they *know* they’re being spoiled. They’d be just like me :lol: Dogs don’t appreciate a thing ya do for them. At least, that’s what it seems like. Cats, on the other hand, *know* that they’re getting special treatment. =P
[quote author=“Chris”]Err…I don’t know if this changes anything but I meant to sat ‘living being’ instead of ‘human being’
Mehh, I was daydreaming.
Well, duh =P, no one likes hurting living beings, but if my life depended solely upon making a child cry or kicking a puppy, I’d *definitely* do the latter. It just makes sense =)