What was the greatest killer-app ever?
Posted: 13 August 2004 10:54 AM     [ Ignore ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  3522
Joined  2004-07-18

I remember how StreetFighter2 alone made everyone buy a SuperNES.  But I’m wondering if this was topped by Mario64 for the N64, or Halo for Xbox?

Posted: 13 August 2004 11:01 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  3596
Joined  2004-12-22

I remember when my friends would argue about which was better: snes or genesis…all cuz of mortal kombat, and the infamous blood code.

i dunno about any killer app, but i may just have to buy a ps2 in order to play gran turismo 4…i dont think my friend liked the fact that i borrowed his ps2 and gt3, and in about 2 days, completed the whole game and got all the cars….
