Twilight, The movie based on Stephenie Meyer’s vampire books
Posted: 04 June 2009 09:03 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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Has anyone else read the books Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer? I just wanted to start this topic to talk about the film version of Twilight that will be coming out November 21st of 2008, and I’ve got a few official cast photos of the 7 people who will be playing the Cullen family of vampires.

FIRST OFFICIAL TRAILER: htp://…-end-up-on-mtv/

Posted: 08 March 2010 05:45 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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I was watched both the Twilight and New Moon movie. Currently awaiting for the release of Twilight Eclipse movie. Twilight is a nice movie series.

Posted: 28 September 2010 05:11 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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I have watched the movie but did not read the book of it. The movie is a great one. I like it.

Posted: 15 October 2010 01:24 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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Culmination of the work was what made Eclipse my favorite of the saga, but I can not say the same thing about the movie. Climax has been disappointing and anti-climatic. tic drama as a walk in the park.

Posted: 21 October 2010 01:52 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Twilight is great vampire movie. I have also watched this movie many times but did not read the book of it.

Posted: 27 October 2010 11:14 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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I had watched the movie twilight and its really great but i haven’t read the book yet.
