Need 5 more responses for my marketing class survey project. Thanks in advance for anyone who participates in the survey!
Survey Questions
(circle most appropriate answer or answer question to the best of your knowledge)
1. What is your gender? Male or Female
2. What is your approximate age? 0-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 30-40, over 40.
3. Which video game console do you prefer a.) Playstation 3 b.) Nintendo Wii
4. Why do you prefer your selection? (circle all that apply)
a.) Games b.) Graphics c.) Game play d.) Fun factor e.) Family orientated f.) Price
g.) Features h.) Looks (aesthetics) i.) Ease of use f.) Controllers g.) Other ________
5. How many hours a week do you play video games? 0-5, 6-10, 11-20, over 20
6. What types of games do you prefer?
a.) Role playing b.) Party games c.) Sports d.) Adventure e.) First Person Shooter
f.) Simulation g.) Puzzle games h.) Action i.) Fighting j.) Other _________
7. What suggestions, if any, would you have for the game console you chose?
(ie: More online games, lower price, more downloadable content.)