Web Design Logo
Posted: 10 August 2010 02:04 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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If you are under the impression that web design logo is just like another design work, you are mistaken.  A web design logo is the face of a business and works towards establishing the brand image of the business.  It does not just stop there but go on to work towards brand enhancement so that the business is established fully well and enjoys a solid client base.

A good web design logo has to use just two to three fonts.  Usage of more than that would give a very confused impression to the viewer.  When the vector designs are used, the logo could be used in various platforms and that too in varying sizes. 
If the web design logo is not easily readable, the entire effort of having a logo for the business goes a waste.  Therefore the logo that is created has to be clearly legible and placed at a prominent place on the home page.  When the visitor clicks on the URL, the first thing he should be able to see is the logo of the business.

The color choice for the background and the foreground has to be used wisely so that the text part is clearly read by the visitors.  Rather than deciding to flow with the contemporary trends for your web design logo, go in for working out a design that would be evergreen and will not be affected by the passing winds. 

Time may change, but your business and its basic premise would remain the same.  Therefore, your web design logo should be an insignia that is perfect for any time and for all you may know it will become the identity for years to come.  When you take the help of a professional web logo designer, you are definitely going to have a great insignia as a logo.

Posted: 11 August 2010 09:29 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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All good points.  Can’t disagree.
