What hardware do I need to get PC to TV
Posted: 08 April 2010 08:08 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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Hi, I bought a Graphics card (9400GT 512MB) sometime ago and figured if I bought a HDMI cable would be able to connect my PC to my TV. The problem is that my TV (CRT) does not have an HDMI port but everything is connected through my hometheatre which has 4 HDMI ports and there is a TV out cable to my TV. So I tried connecting to one of the HDMI ports from the PC hoping to get some output on the AV but only a black screen. What software or hardware do I need to set up this configuration? I want to watch my movies from my PC on the TV, is it possible?

Posted: 15 April 2010 11:12 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Its good to read the information regarding the hardware for PC to TV but yet i haven’t try any here so looks good if i will find any to share here.

Posted: 13 May 2010 10:36 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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much better than the original Storm.hoping to get some output on the AV but only a black screen.

Posted: 28 May 2010 02:12 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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kartinkent - 08 April 2010 11:08 AM

Hi, I bought a Graphics card (9400GT 512MB) sometime ago and figured if I bought a HDMI cable would be able to connect my PC to my TV. The problem is that my TV (CRT) does not have an HDMI port but everything is connected through my hometheatre which has 4 HDMI ports and there is a TV out cable to my TV. So I tried connecting to one of the HDMI ports from the PC hoping to get some output on the AV but only a black screen. What software or hardware do I need to set up this configuration? I want to watch my movies from my PC on the TV, is it possible?

Posted: 01 June 2010 08:29 AM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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If your computer is connected to a router, I would recommend a DMA-2200. It is a Linksys media extender. You can play your media files from your pc to your TV.
