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Mac vs PC
Posted: 01 June 2008 08:07 AM   [ # 26 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 26 ]  
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SkyFuser - 01 June 2008 10:11 AM

Yes I know but she didn’t want me tampering with her computer <_< I am notorious at school for tweaking with my (and other teachers’) computers. Usually with satisfactory results, but hair-losing experiences.
(It’s not a broken computer, I think it’s Norton)

Omg I keep tampering with the computers at work and I think IT is frustrated with me!  They’re still running Windows XP and IE6, so I just like to install various other software such as Firefox (nothing dangerous really) to make it more bearable—I cant live without tabs!  I can only install software that does not have admin rights, since IT wont had those out to anyone…

Posted: 01 June 2008 08:12 AM   [ # 27 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 27 ]  
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Sky, windows is very custizable,its performance can be enhanced.UAC and stuff like that can be remedied.Vista isn’t bad.

Posted: 01 June 2008 09:06 AM   [ # 28 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 28 ]  
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I know, but my first impressions were very bad, considering that I wasn’t allowed to change anything XD
The UAC was most annoying of all. I mean, OK, it detects rootkit installation. Great. I’ll just leave it on for the rest of my life to prevent rootkits, which probably happen once every so many years, even less chance if you don’t surf pr0n, warez, cracks, torrents, or adult content. Awesome. [/end sarcasm]

Posted: 02 June 2008 02:20 AM   [ # 29 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 29 ]  
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I use Macs at College and I can honestly say.. I LOVE THEM!  I use them for my web design tasks, and I personatly think that Mac OS looks better than windows any day of the week.  Not so much in the utility portion of it, but im talking about grafically.  have you seen the boot screen on a Mac when it’s being turned on for the very first time?  AMAZING!

Posted: 22 March 2010 01:16 PM   [ # 30 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 30 ]  
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As far as Mac vs. PC. I say defiantly PC. I will admit Mac’s are far user friendly so much so that even the most computer illiterate of individuals will end up looking almost like advanced users. Of course the problem with Mac’s they make better toys than they do computers simply because they only have like a very small percentage of the market share, and the price of one i-mac or a macbook cost is so high you can buy several other brand computers for the price of one of theirs. Any business person, student, or just at home user who really needs a computer…that would make a defiantly liability. The Mac-book air, is just stupid. If im gonna spend 1,500 dollars on computer that requires ANOTHER computer just to install software. I mean that is just silly.

As for PC’s Windows. the advantage of windows is that is the most versatile of operating systems. When you take up over 90% percent of the market share. I know for a fact there is no device, no software, or anything you can’t find that wont work with it.

As for Linux ...since it works on both Mac and IBM PC based computers….because they all are IBM based. I you are advanced user, broke, poor, or a cheap ass such as myself. Linux is perfect. It is fee, faster, and it brings life back to my old computers do to most due to its very low system requirements. That goes double if you Use Ubuntu because its the most user friendly one i know if and it comes with lots of great free software that is easier to install than windows….maybe Mac too.

With all being said…PC wins.

Posted: 14 May 2010 04:02 AM   [ # 31 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 31 ]  
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Hi Guy’s,

According To my Knowledge PC is generally Good for private use and MAC is good for arts and works.

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