can copy Nintendo Wii games for backup purposes?
Posted: 27 March 2010 12:38 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2010-03-27

You can copy your Wii DVDs—but your Wii console won’t be able to recognize and play them—unless of course, you solder a mod chip into it.

The manufacterer doesn’t exactly approve of this practice, however Nintendo does not write the laws of the United States of America, so if you elect to “mod” your console, about the only thing they can do about it is to void your warranty, however it is NOT illegal!

You know those tags on mattresses that say “do not remove under penalty of law”? Yeah well, there are no mattress police, and the truth is those tags only apply to the store merchants. Once you’ve bought and brought the mattress home, you can do whatever you want with the tag. Same with your game console.

People have been “modding” their game consoles almost since the day they started selling them. They make “mod chips” for Playstations, X boxes, Gamecubes, etc.

It is perfectly legal to “mod” your Wii for the purpose of making and playing backups of titles you’ve bought and legitimately own. What isn’t legal is if you make and play copies of game disks you’ve rented, borrowed or downloaded off the internet.

I personally recommend against this practice—but it’s your console. I understand the “D2C key” is a good choice.

Posted: 07 April 2010 05:40 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Joined  2010-04-07

I do not have any idea regarding the backup plan as you have to copy the nintendo wii games but i have heard about the same thing that it may be happen.but i am glad to read the information which you have shared here just because of that i will come to know across this information.
