Does anyone have paypal or a bank account? I will pay $10 for signing up at a free site, respond if you’re interested
Posted: 07 March 2010 02:16 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-03-07

Does anyone have paypal, I will pay $10 for signing up at a free site, respond if you’re interested. I’ll pay you $10 paypal if you join. I promise. If I don’t send you people your money, then I’m asking the moderators in this website to ban me.

Posted: 11 March 2010 09:41 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
I've Only Posted Once!
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2010-03-11

here, just pm me if this deal is still on.
