Why is Apache and php not working?
Posted: 04 February 2010 04:20 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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I installed apache a few times and it didn’t seem to be working. One of the times I manually deleted the files, i’m thinking perhaps that could have done some damage.

Yesterday i installed Xampp and apache and php doesn’t work. (mysql works.) I made an echo statement and my browser didn’t process it.

Could something be wrong with my browser perhaps?

How do I go about figuring out what’s the problem?

Posted: 09 March 2010 09:12 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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The main directory for all WWW documents is \xampp\htdocs. If you put a file “test.html” in this directory, you can access it with the URI “http://localhost/test.html”.
