So, do you have long term/affectionate online friends? By this I mean people who you have known in one way or another (primarily online) for 5+ years.infact who are long term friends. I’ve met a few people in person that I know online, but, most of them I know just over instant messenger, forums, email, etc.
It’s weird because there are a few people that I used to talk to ALL the time a few years back who seem to have dropped off of the face of the earth a year or two ago. I haven’t heard from them since.
Makes me wonder if anything happened? Considering that I don’t necessarily have physical contact information for most people that I know online, I may never know what became of a few of the people I used to know online.
It’s kind of a weird feeling in a way. Other times though, just when I am ready to assume the worst, somebody I haven’t talked to in AGES pops up on AIM or MSN. It’s always nice to see a familiar.. screen name.