That is more than 2 Wins for every year of his life. With this Win Tiger Woods has now:
1. Won 7 Times at Firestone Country Club. (Snead holds the record of 8 at Greensboro).
2. Won 16 out of the 30 World Golf Championships ever played, 53% of them, while no other Player has won more than 2.
3. Has now Won 70 of 234 PGA Tour Tournaments as a Pro or 30% of every PGA Tour Tournament he has played in as a pro…
a) 39 out of 145 with Butch for 26.9% of the time.
8 out of 28 Majors with Butch for 28.6%
b) 31 out of 89 with Hank for 34.8% of the time.
6 out of 21 Majors with Hank for 28.6%
14 out of 49 Majors total for 28.6 of the time.
We are witnessing the Greatest Golfer in the History of the Game… Period