rayani, NICE PETER IMAGE! that was a funny episode :D
Tighr, I saw that pic earlier…I think you posted a link to it, and it worked…(I clicked it, it wasn’t in the forum) so don’t stress it 😛
To the guy that got banned, a few facts:
1) People who are over-weight are actually happier than the rest of us normal or under-weight people.
2) Just because you are over-weight doesn’t necessarily make you unhealthy.
I think it was gohan (or something) that said you were insecure, yes, you are. It is totally obvious too, btw. Why else would you have to come on here to get a laugh at your own comments?
To touch on another thing you said, the whole internet lifestyle not being “real”....Well, I guess you aren’t forunate enough to have had a meaningful relationship with someone without actually seeing them all the time. You’d be surprised about how easy it is to get to know someone when you don’t have to deal with all the BS physical insecurities that people push on themselves. Several years ago I was at summer camp for two weeks, and during that time dated this chick. While we were at camp, we didn’t get to know eachother all that well. She was really closed and guarded (because of her step-mother sending her there to basically get “rid” of her for a few weeks). When we got back(she lives about an hour from me), we didn’t see eachother ...at all. I didn’t see her after camp for nearly 2 years. Several factors contributed to this, but in that time we grew very close. She now considers me one of her best friends, and thinks that one day (when we both calm down 😛 :evil: :D ) she will marry me…Weird ass destiny thing she believes in…
I bring this up because we got close over the phone, and the internet (whether it’s voice chat or just text chat) is capable of bringing people together in exactly the same way.
In synopsis, “Real Life” is over-rated, you are insecure and need to get this “life” you are talking about, over-weight people are relatively happier people and aren’t necessarily unhealthy, your image works Tighr but it’s probably too big to be displayed in the forum, that Peter image was awesome Rayani, and thank you Spice :D
oh and ps guys, i may be OCDin’ it a bit here, but “lifes” and “lives”...lol, funny to see it misused those several times 😛 :love: :? :D :lol: