I think this is a movie ALL geeks should love. I have already seen it twice and am ready to go see it again if anyone wants to go with me!
For me, this is a movie that just keeps getting better and better every time you see it. I think this has to do with the fact that every time you see this movie, you start noticing more cool details. Even if you cannot place what these details are, I bet you are subconciously noticing them and that is what is making the movie so interesting even though you’ve already seen it once, twice, maybe 100 times.
Or, it could just be who you see it with. Maybe seeing it with one person could drive you crazy, but seeing it with a different person could allow you to enjoy the movie more and see that you actually like the movie, it is just the person that was distracting you from that.
Anyway, tell me how many times you could stand to see this movie…. and don’t forget to EXPLAIN YOURSELF!
P.S. for me, I would say 23 judging by how good it was still the second time I saw it.