Spy shots from WWDC 2008 set-up
Posted: 06 June 2008 05:55 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  2574
Joined  2004-12-22

Check out these WWDC 2008 spy shots - someone was able to get in early to check out the banners that were being put up. Obviously, we can expect some big and OS X news on Monday morning 😉


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Posted: 09 June 2008 10:33 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
I'm A Regular
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Joined  2008-04-30

I saw the pictures already Andru, but i am waiting for the news yousaid, we’ll get on monday-today.
I like apple iphone, i will be waiting for some great videos from you related to that conference.
