when you get a chance of saving somebody’s life
Posted: 05 June 2008 05:15 AM     [ Ignore ]  
I'm A Regular
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Joined  2008-04-30

I have a situation her
So if you had a chance to save somebody’s life, only there was a 75% chance that you would die in the process would you do it?How about a 50% chance that you would die while saving them?25% chance?
Let’s say for simplicity that in each of the above scenarios the person is guaranteed to be saved. It’s only you that has a chance of not making it.Where would you draw your line between personal safety and saving the life of somebody else? Let’s say a total stranger? You can also answer the question as if it were a friend or family member as well if you want.
I’d do it. I think if I had a plain as day chance to save somebody’s life it would be worth trying.

Posted: 05 June 2008 08:33 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
I'm A Regular
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Joined  2008-05-23

I think if there was a chance I could save somebody’s life, I would go for it, but as you mentioned, it depends on the person and the situation. If it was an alcoholic who dropped out of high school and does nothing all day except drink and do illegal stuff like drugs, would I save him/her if it was a situation where I would die for him/her? Probably not, but how would we know that? What if it was a complete stranger on the street and there’s nothing that we can look at to see whether he/she is good/bad, nice/nasty, etc.? There are so many answers and questions to this question and well, in the end, if I had to, of course I would save somebody’s life. It is something that I will do in the future because I am going into a career that will truly help save people’s lives. That is what I want to do in my life and well, I think there can be a lot of ethical and other issues regarding this topic, but yes, I would save somebody’s life because I think it would make me feel more better than just waking away from the scene.

Posted: 06 June 2008 05:01 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
I'm A Regular
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Joined  2008-05-31

yeah thats hard to give a definite answer to since it doent specify who exactly you would be saving,
who did you originally have in mind?

Posted: 06 June 2008 09:50 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2008-05-31

I would say something along the lines of what jess1ca is saying—it is a case by case basis.  I would be more likely to jump in and save a family member or a friend, than a complete stranger.  We can all sit here an act like we would be heroes, that we would put our lives on the line to save another person, but how many people will actually go through with it?  If you believe in evolution, like I do, and natural selection, it is all about protecting your own genes—but humans seem to have taken a different path than this simple definition. 

Another question that is really famous is lets say you are on a train and you know everyone on the train is going to die in a minute.  You have a decision: you can either do some action (i cant remember what) which will result in the death of one person, or you could do nothing and everyone dies.  Believe it or not, a lot of people would choose to do nothing, because they couldnt stand themselves if they knew they were responsible for someone else’s death.
