Iron Man: How many times could you see it?
Posted: 01 June 2008 03:55 AM     [ Ignore ]  
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I think this is a movie ALL geeks should love. I have already seen it twice and am ready to go see it again if anyone wants to go with me!

For me, this is a movie that just keeps getting better and better every time you see it. I think this has to do with the fact that every time you see this movie, you start noticing more cool details. Even if you cannot place what these details are, I bet you are subconciously noticing them and that is what is making the movie so interesting even though you’ve already seen it once, twice, maybe 100 times.

Or, it could just be who you see it with. Maybe seeing it with one person could drive you crazy, but seeing it with a different person could allow you to enjoy the movie more and see that you actually like the movie, it is just the person that was distracting you from that.

Anyway, tell me how many times you could stand to see this movie…. and don’t forget to EXPLAIN YOURSELF!

P.S. for me, I would say 23 judging by how good it was still the second time I saw it.

Posted: 01 June 2008 07:52 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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I haven’t seen it yet but I would have to say that I definitely want to. It was the first movie I wanted to watch this year and I’ve just been so busy lately I haven’t had the chance to go and see it. How many stars out of 5 would you rate it? 😊

Posted: 01 June 2008 08:31 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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I already saw it 3 times
I will rate it 4.8/5.

Posted: 01 June 2008 08:42 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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iron man was a great movie .. i give a rating 4.5/5 as for how many time can i watch it is should be only 1 time a year if i see to many time in a straight row its going to get really boring…z..z.z

Posted: 01 June 2008 12:01 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Wish my wife would want to go see it. Is it something a Chick would enjoy seeing?

Posted: 02 June 2008 04:27 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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I’ve seen it 3 times.
Such an amazing take on the story. Best adaptation i’ve seen.
Sets the bar really high for The Hulk and Batman.
Batman i have no doubt will be an absolute amazing movie. Hopefully it keeps to par on the same level as Ironman.
I am looking forward to seeing more comic related movies come out to this extent of quality.

Posted: 02 June 2008 07:42 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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3 out of 5 stars for me. But the movie got better the longer it played. The theater I went to had problems with the image, the right third of the screen had scratches all the way through the movie. I was however one of the few who stayed until the credits ended to see the added bit about SHIELD. That was neat.

Posted: 02 June 2008 10:10 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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I saw it twice already.But the thrist hasn’t ended yet.I still plan to see it atleast 4/5 times more.Great movie. 😊

Posted: 06 June 2008 04:31 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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If could see it 3 times before i got tired of it but if allowed to spread it out i could see it twice a month for the rest of my life.

Posted: 02 May 2009 02:13 AM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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“Iron Man” I had already Watched this Movie Thrice,The film reigned the box office and critical arena for two months before DC finally upended Marvel, but that shouldn?t diminish the surprisingly high quality of the Jon Favreau film. Despite great previews and a lot of buzz, I was skeptical as to whether a director who had never handled a large budget could make a movie about a tin man work, but my skepticism vanished quickly. Strangely, the movie doesn?t have as much as action as one would expect (I so wish that Afghanistan attack would have gone on for longer), but it still has the perfect bland of thrills, laughs and visual effects.

Posted: 22 July 2009 04:20 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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It could just be who you see it with. Maybe seeing it with one person could drive you crazy, but seeing it with a different person could allow you to enjoy the movie more and see that you actually like the movie, it is just the person that was distracting you from that.

Posted: 27 July 2009 07:18 AM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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I have seen this movie two time

Posted: 27 July 2009 07:20 AM   [ # 12 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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Yeah i have seen this only two time this is also good movie.

Posted: 29 October 2009 02:13 AM   [ # 13 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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I had Watched this movies thrice and I Love it very much,It’s a great action movie I had Watched all the Parts Of this Movie.

Posted: 05 November 2009 07:12 AM   [ # 14 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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only once and that was enough

Posted: 06 November 2009 12:55 AM   [ # 15 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
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I can’t count that how many times i have watched it.

Posted: 06 November 2009 05:02 AM   [ # 16 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 16 ]  
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3 out of 5 stars for me.

Posted: 17 November 2009 03:39 AM   [ # 17 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 17 ]  
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Oh I Just Love Watching Action Movies and Iron Man
is one Of my Favourite Action movies
and I Can Watch this Movie many Time
There is no Limit For Me about Watching Action Movies.

Posted: 23 February 2010 03:45 AM   [ # 18 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 18 ]  
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I like to watch super hero movies and Iron Man is no exception to that. I can watch it as many times I can… 😉

Posted: 25 February 2010 06:01 AM   [ # 19 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 19 ]  
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Iron man is one of my favorite movie from Hollywood I watched this movie lot of times-Thanks a lot
