What makes a book unique and worth reading to you?
Posted: 01 June 2008 09:47 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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What makes a book unique and worth reading to you? A nice cover, a catchy title, the list goes on and on and on. For myself, I would have to say the plot and how interested I am in it. Does the description sound interesting and neat? Also, the length is a huge factor, I can’t stand too thick books with little print. 😉 I read a lot of different genres of books (non-fiction, fiction, horror), so that is why my reasons are so general.

Posted: 01 June 2008 10:41 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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I’m not one to pick up a book and start reading out of nowhere..  For me to actually take interest in a book to read for enjoyment it would have to be recommended to me.  Otherwise I just read what I have to from College or to get information regarding some code in not familiar with.

Posted: 01 June 2008 11:37 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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well to tell the truth, nothing. thats why i dont read them XD i personally hate books. i think my vocabulary is decent anyway, i can already read fast, and i just dont find them interesting

Posted: 02 June 2008 10:29 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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I don’t like them also.unless they had all pictures and no text.that’ll be worth going through for me atleast.text reading is too intensive.

Posted: 02 June 2008 10:14 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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So, I’m guessing you guys just read textbooks at school? Oh man, no wonder you guys think books are boring. 😉 I do respect your responses and hey, at one time in my life I disliked books and watched TV instead. I love how books allow me to imagine the details, the characters and just escape from reality. And on a cold, rainy day? A great book makes the rainy day just disappear. I haven’t read a book in a long time because I’ve been so busy with everything else, but maybe during the summer I’ll pick up a few good books to read.

Posted: 03 June 2008 03:27 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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Not the title,nor the cover.It’s the contents which matters to me most.I mostly love to read books on comedy/jokes/humor.

Posted: 04 June 2008 05:56 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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Good reply sushrukh, I know a lot of people do that too. I think comic books are another thing too, I love to read comic books from time to time, such as Foxtrot. Foxtrot is a great comic and well, it is hilarious. I am sad that Bill Amend has stopped making Foxtrot a daily comic for all of the fans, but I am glad I have the previous Foxtrot books to read over. My parents do say that comic books aren’t really books, but I disagree, they are a nice way to just relax and actually read something funny and hilarious.

Posted: 04 June 2008 06:01 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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Ah I cant believe I missed this thread too—good question… well, I would say it depends on how I am looking for a book.  If I go into a bookstore, the cover and title will be what will catch my attention, since I am visually looking at what they have.  It needs to stand out for me to get to the next step and read the back cover.  If I am looking online, I look for a topic I am interested in.  The books I find worth reading are those which align with my interests, in particular technology, the future, a philosophical look at something, and especially politics.  In fact, most of the books I do read are about politics—I just have always loved them and love to stay politically active.

Posted: 04 June 2008 06:02 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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the characters and how the author portrays them i mean they have to be funny and serious. T

Posted: 04 June 2008 06:11 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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I mainly concentrate on the author , matter inside it and mainly, from which genre it is from.
I prefer books which are sci-fi related.

Posted: 04 June 2008 06:43 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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i like horror suspense just like i like my movies

Posted: 04 June 2008 09:28 PM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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Do you guys ever ask for recommendations of books or look at popular books, such as the one’s from Oprah’s Book Club or something? I think Oprah does pick a great range of books and they certainly are very unique and of course, worth reading at times. I have read so many great books from her recommendations and she does have a fantastic book list for anyone looking to read a good book.

Posted: 04 June 2008 09:37 PM   [ # 12 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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No i read the back of the book or sometimes if you buy books through the mail, they will have a place where they tell you a little about the book or if my mom has already read it then i will ask her, that is where i get my recommendations at.

Posted: 05 June 2008 12:01 AM   [ # 13 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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geez everyone here is so literate and im left in the dust, i havent read a book in over 2 years, and that was part of school >__>

Posted: 05 June 2008 01:02 AM   [ # 14 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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sharkhead, don’t worry, i’m with you. i’m in school right now but i still don’t read the books, if they had it online, then sure, i’d read it. I’m not spending time on a book. it’s not even back-lit. i just Spark-note/Cliff-note the book.

Posted: 05 June 2008 01:40 AM   [ # 15 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
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I avoid anything romance related (uhoh, that just eliminated 90% of all books XD) and I generally prefer anything with fantasy or sci-fi in it. Why bother readig about reality when you’re already experiencing it <_<
I love Eragon and Artemis Fowl.

Posted: 05 June 2008 04:31 AM   [ # 16 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 16 ]  
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lol! really, the last one i had to read for school was a romance- well kinda
it was about some girl making a guy fall in love with her so that she could break him and make him miserable but…
ya see my point! why read about someone elses life? living your own is much more fun
i wanna read artemis fowl, my little brother said he liked it

Posted: 05 June 2008 04:32 AM   [ # 17 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 17 ]  
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Jessy i am not a great book reader but i only select sci-fi books, And as u asked i in your reply, i dont actually care abt authors but i care about topics as i said before.

Posted: 07 June 2008 12:26 AM   [ # 18 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 18 ]  
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i like horror books or mystery. any thing supernatural is good two. I like things that seem like they are in a whole new world

Posted: 07 June 2008 12:28 AM   [ # 19 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 19 ]  
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yes supernatural are good,
although i dont read many books i like to read those kind of articles and small internet pieces
they are most often the most creative kind of material and they really make you wonder sometimes

Posted: 07 June 2008 12:46 AM   [ # 20 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 20 ]  
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The title doesn’t really play a big role when I’m thinking of the type of book that I should read.  It’s the summary and the type of book that I look at.  I like adventure books by authors like J.R.R. Tolkien.  I like books that help me learn new words and improve my vocabulary.  I also look at the summary on the back first and decide whether or not I would find the book interesting.

Posted: 07 June 2008 07:26 AM   [ # 21 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 21 ]  
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And i will also care about the foreword, summary and preface to get a glance what the book really contains because it makes us understand about the author, what the book is about and also what it contains.

Posted: 12 September 2009 04:04 AM   [ # 22 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 22 ]  
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But how do you know which ones are full of valuable information and which one will makes a book worth reading?

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