Super Smash Bros. was previously out on N64
- Super Smash Brothers was a must release on the cube even if its the same thing as the N64 game. Nintendo needed a big multiplayer game and had there own game in there pockets and knew no one an create a game like this (since no other company has the amount of popular characters that Nintendo does, they are popular because they are put into great games that are getting better with each new version)
Mario Golf And Mario Tennis Also on N64
- Mario Golf on the GBA added an RPG element to the game
- Mario Tennis will probably also add an RPG element in the next version coming out
Mario Kart out on N64, GBA and SNES
- Mario Kart Double Dash was almost a reinvention of the game and added an entirely new feel to it
Mario Party (which they are absolutely abusing) also on N64
- agreed, super monkey ball has blown mario party out of the water
Mario is universal and can be used in several different genres where as most other characters dont have the ability to play golf, tennis, party, racing, platform, etc…