What movie should they have NOT made?
Posted: 01 June 2008 06:49 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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There has been a lot of discussion about everyone’s favorite movies and characters and such, but what movie is one that they really shouldnt have released to the public?

Mine would be “I Know Who Killed Me” featuring Lindsay Lohan… we watched it one evening that we were really bored for some laughs at how bad of a movie it was!

Posted: 01 June 2008 06:51 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Daredevil, Catwoman or Elektra, sorry about the spelling, the one with Jennifer Garner as the superhero. 😉 The reason is that they were okay movies, but not stunning and fantastic like Spider-Man or Batman. I do not even remember much about these three movies. :lol: There are some pretty terrible movies out there that I watched and I was speechless, so I will have to find some and post later.

Posted: 01 June 2008 08:33 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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jess1ca - 01 June 2008 09:51 PM

Daredevil, Catwoman or Elektra, sorry about the spelling, the one with Jennifer Garner as the superhero. 😉 The reason is that they were okay movies, but not stunning and fantastic like Spider-Man or Batman. I do not even remember much about these three movies. :lol: There are some pretty terrible movies out there that I watched and I was speechless, so I will have to find some and post later.

Omg I completely forgot about Catwoman!  What a horrible movie haha.  I wonder why Halle Berry would even agree to it… I wonder why some of these movie companies in general would agree to put out such trash.  If the average person doesnt think the movie is that great, how are the movie screeners, and the directors even allowing it to get to production?  Just boggles my mind (just like how certain typos can be left in a book that are supposed to be proofread by multiple editors)

Posted: 01 June 2008 08:49 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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The Incredible Hulk. Horrible movie but for some insaine reason they are remaking it. If it wasnt good the first time, it definatly wont be good the second.

Posted: 01 June 2008 09:25 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Pootie Tang…what a waste of time.  I went in thinking: “OOOH black comedy from the always hilarious chris rock”.  It was the absolute worst movie I had ever seen up to that point.  Key words: “up to that point”.  I at least sat through the whole Pootie Tang movie.
However, The Royal Tannenbaums i turned off after the first 5 minutes…worst movie ever!  Anything with Ben Stiller is bound to suck, and then you add in Owen Wilson and forget about it.  Add Zoolander to that list.

Posted: 02 June 2008 10:40 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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oh there are several worst movies which shouldn’t have been made.I would say Catwoman,Mask Part 2 (terrible movie, can somebody be compared to Jim Carrey ?).The Batman movies i think are worthless too.

Posted: 03 June 2008 04:12 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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There are alot that they should have not made. But I think they wasted their time with number 23 that was the most boring movie and stupid at that. I didnt even watch the whole thing, it couldnt keep my attention.

Posted: 03 June 2008 04:15 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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Yeah i can’t even remember most of them as they are so bad.I donno why big production houses invests so much money into making these worth movies.

Posted: 03 June 2008 10:07 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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never heard of that one i will be sure to not check it out though

Posted: 04 June 2008 02:25 AM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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Electra was an worthless movie.I even went to see that in the cinemahall & after seeing i felt like what the heck was that.Very bad movie.

Posted: 06 June 2008 04:08 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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i would say oceans 11 or which ever one was the second one, because they talked though the whole movie.
