How can we solve the issue of poverty?
Posted: 31 May 2008 10:19 PM     [ Ignore ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  415
Joined  2008-05-31

Poverty is such a difficult issue to deal with.  Recent statistics place poverty in the US at 11%, but that is due to an arbitrary poverty line, which does not necessarily dictate the broader concern about “poverty”.  How should the governments around the world be defining poverty, and how can we best tackle this difficult issue?  I would love to hear all of your opinions on the matter as I am sure a smart community like yourselves can come up with some creative solutions!

Posted: 31 May 2008 10:21 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  448
Joined  2008-05-31

Yeah. More people should donate, start aidas and concerts, and the government should do their part by providing more services.
