Kid Nation has cause so much controversy over who loves the show and who disapproves. I for one completely disapprove and can not see the “reality” of it. It’s disgusting programming at it’s finest.
I had the misfortune to turn the channels this week to see it on air. Thinking it was decent programming for there were children in it, how bad could it be?
Well leave it to CBS to push the envelope and cross the line again. CBS has done nothing but exploit children in such a manner that neither they, their parents or viewers can figure it out.
I understand teaching children about life’s challenges, to teach them how to survive and defend themselves is necessary. I do not understand nor accept the lack of dignity, judgment or humanity of placing 8-15 year olds in a desert and say “go make a society” and do what ever it takes to survive, and of course kill a chicken so you will eat. And doing so on national TV with millions of viewers.
Teaching children how to work together, create team work and communicate is what CBS says they are doing, however what they are doing is creating another “Survivor” show but with children instead of adults. Is this not child exploitation? Or instilling the idea if you want more to eat than just eggs, go kill the chickens and eat them. In reality people did such a thing for survival, but when it’s a TV show is was completely uncalled for and sickening. Is CBS disparate for viewers and money that they would support such programming?
According to the posts on Kid Nations web site-this show is brilliant, teaching children the facts of life, and what living is all about etc..that children need this kind of guidance and education. I fail to see the reality of this show doing just that. If you actually lived back in the era of our forefathers or the real need for farming your live stock for food than I can see it. But if you are playing a game on TV, playing to win money or forbid…fame then it is inhuman, disgusting and the lack of decent good programming.
CBS gained the publicity is wanted. It should be called “To kill or not to kill” For killing an animal on live TV and trying to use the excuse the children were hungry is unacceptable. If those children were so hungry they would go to that extreme, then that would be child abuse right? CBS should be ashamed for allowing such disgusting programming or let alone be aired for such content. I know we are told turn it off if you don’t like it..or that’s what I was told on Kid Nation postings. I am happy to learn sponsors pulled their advertisements for they were not going to promote such shows. We teach children to say no to drugs, then we need to teach CBS no to animal killings and child exploitation! What was the reality of that? I am completely amazed and shocked that CBS actually had those children kill a chicken..senseless act! Not for food mind you, but for ratings!