Xbox 360 Help
Posted: 04 July 2007 11:54 PM     [ Ignore ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2007-05-11

Im currently weighing out my option to either wait for the elite console (which has been delayed here my sources say late july to august) or purchase just a normal one and get the 120gb HD later i like to no what you guys think i should do???

also i share a 360 atm so i wondering how do i transfer a GT across but just the one since there are 4 GT on there also want my Arcade game too but thats not a preference ???? Help please


Posted: 05 July 2007 12:21 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Well youd either copy the GT on a memory card and put it on the new system or do a GT recorvery on th enew system. Youd keep all your arcade games but you could only play them while logged in.

Is the 120gb HD really that needed? Unless you plan on getting a whole bunch of DLC its not really needed. Either way it doesnt matter though. If you buy the 120gb drive it will end up costing the same as the elite. but i reccommend buying a core so you save a $100.

Posted: 05 July 2007 08:18 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2007-04-26

Do NOT buy a Core system. If you get a Premium system, then upgrade to the 120GB HDD, it will cost you a hundred eighty dollars, not eighty. The difference between an Elite and Premium is only eighty.

That said, you don’t need an Elite. 20GB is more than enough, and I doubt that you have a TV with HDMI; even if you do, though, it doesn’t matter… I’ve got a TV with HDMI, and I just use VGA, since it upscales DVDs. HDMI isn’t a very big deal…

Posted: 06 July 2007 03:33 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  286
Joined  2007-05-11

well i really only wanted the elite because its black and 120gb hard drive but yeah i really dont need it .. still like to have it , what i really like is a 40gb hard drive hrrmm or 60 hhmmmmm


Posted: 06 July 2007 09:25 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
In The Club
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Joined  2007-04-26

When you get your new machine, and hook it up to Live you can retrieve the account with your gamer tag. Its simple as 1, 4, 3. 😉

Posted: 07 July 2007 01:55 AM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  286
Joined  2007-05-11

what about my arcade games???


Posted: 07 July 2007 10:57 AM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  154
Joined  2007-04-26

Well yeah…you can only play your arcade games when you are signed into live I think.  Which is really bad, so if that is true, call up Microsoft, complain and get all you MS points refunded.  Not exactly a nice way to go but, it will allow you to play the games that you bought, even if you internet is down.

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