Wow. I’m really impressed. One thing is for sure, Call of Duty 4 is going to be a kick ass game. One thing I hope is that Call of Duty 4 does not turn out to be a Battlefield 2. Not that there is anything wrong with Battlefield 2, but I want my Call of Duty to be Call of Duty. In one of the videos, a developer mentions that it will have the same Call of Duty feel; I hope he is right. I was most impressed with the graphics. I loved the lighting effects, character models, sparks shooting out from a blown out helicopter, and everything else. It is one pretty game, dare I say even close to Mass Effect. Another thing that I’m excited about is the ammount of weapons. The developer said there will be like 30+ weapons , unlik the 15 in Call of Duty 2. Is anyone else pumped for Call of Duty 4? Here is a link to all of the media.