Today was my birthday what a great fabulous day for me…. until my laptop broke 😢
: Dell Ipsiraion XPS Gen 2
My laptop fell and the screen is all messed up and it doesnt boot all the way.
My warranty expired 5 days ago so i have to pay for the repair and the screen alone is around $800.
Is anyone familiar with laptop lcd screens?
The screen was not cracked but whatevers inside (is it magnesium?) has dispursed all through the screen. the laptop fell right onto the screen to it was like a punch to the soft lcd.
Is there any repair to heal the screen so i dont have to buy a new screen or am i stuck paying?
Any advice would be appreciated, i have to call dells no warranty service tomarrow to arange how to ship it to them for repairs.
Hope You all had a better day.