I’m going with Final Fantasy III (6). It was the first RPG I really got into and I was immediately hooked. I wish Square could make games like that again. The whole series has sucked since 8.
I really liked Link to the past. I played most of the ay though on the SNES and I’m back to that point on the GBA. Should have just kept playing on the SNES, but I had a friend who wanted my snes badly, so I sold it 😛
Wow, you guys have mentioned some good games. Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is *definitely* an awesome one. It was the first Zelda game I had ever played. Goldeneye was good. Did you guys ever play a game on N64 called “Perfect Dark?” It was like Goldeneye, but futuristic. It was fun too. I have not played FFVII *yet*, but I’ll be doing that soon. =) Mariokart is also another excellent one that wasn’t mentioned, and I saw Mario Party was mentioned too (wonderful as well).
However, the question was what’s *my* favorite game? Well, since some great games have been mentioned already, I will be different and say Siren on PS2. That was on hard-ass game, but pretty worth it in the end. It had an awesome storyline to it. Very… weird…
And I’m not saying it to be different. I genuinely like that game the most. =)
I played the original mario bros. and ninja gaiden on the NES constantly. I also couldn’t get enough of Contra and Legend of Zelda. I also had a favorite obscure game that I played a lot called Milon’s Secret Castle.
I also really like Turok and mario bros. on the N64. I would have to rank Perfect Dark and Goldeneye top also.
On PS2, GTA, Devil May Dry, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank.
[quote author=“Chris655”]I played the original mario bros. and ninja gaiden on the NES constantly. I also couldn’t get enough of Contra and Legend of Zelda.
CONTRA!!!! Dude, my step-dad played that game FOREVER. Along with my uncle. They couldn’t get enough of that game either. =P
Ya know, I haven’t played contra in years, but as soon as it was mentioned this popped into my head—UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, B, A
Anybody have similar reaction when they hear an old game mentioned?
How about when someone mentions Mortal Kombat 2 for SNES—first thing I think of is DULLARD
[quote author=“munkyxtc”]Ya know, I haven’t played contra in years, but as soon as it was mentioned this popped into my head—UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, B, A
Anybody have similar reaction when they hear an old game mentioned?
How about when someone mentions Mortal Kombat 2 for SNES—first thing I think of is DULLARD
I always imagine “Excellent!” when you plop the quarters into the MK2 machine. Man, that game was so great.
The most impressive to me right now is Yoshi’s Island for GBA. I never played it when it first came out, but I can’t believe how deep and beautiful this game is. Plus it’s a huge challenge. Best Mario ever, IMO.
It’s the only reason I haven’t tossed out my GBA. I’ll upgrade to DS though. 😉 (Never got the SP).
Without a doubt the best story line I have ever seen in a videogame that wasnt part of a series.
I was so into it and every little backstabbing turn of events that happened. The cast of characters were so amazing and it made you get into the game. The difficulty was high but any good game will make you continue and no matter how hard it got, i couldnt put the game away. And the vast size of the city along with the unreal music and detail to the time period make this game one of the greatest of all time.