please mommy? can i have it?
Posted: 28 April 2005 07:49 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Board Apprentice
Total Posts:  1687
Joined  2005-02-03

looks really cool, except the linux part 😛 i would rather it have Mac or Windows

Posted: 28 April 2005 07:49 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Board Apprentice
Total Posts:  1687
Joined  2005-02-03

i just came across the coolest piece of circitry i have ever seen… anyone ever heard of the Sharp Zaurus? it is either the world’s most PC-like PDA or the world’s smallest laptop.

for the cheaper, C1000 (the expensive C3000 is the same, but with less flash ROM, and a 4gb internal HDD)

>Runs a version of Linux
>Intel X-Scale 416MHz
>USB Host plug
>6 hour battery
>VGA :o screen
>(this one actually is functional!) Thumb keyboard
>128mb flash ROM (90mb user accessable)
>64mb flash RAM
>Beautiful black case :o
>Converts from keyboard-mode to slate (like a tablet PC)

Thanks ImageShack!

and the best part is, my cousin in Israel who was going to get me an electronic for my bar mitzvah is getting it for me :D :D :D :D

Posted: 29 April 2005 07:42 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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Total Posts:  3237
Joined  2004-11-09

congrats Ben!  Thats really cool!  Its not your PSP, but its pretty rad, id like one too!

Posted: 29 April 2005 08:17 AM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Board Apprentice
Total Posts:  1687
Joined  2005-02-03
[quote author=“paradox”]looks really cool, except the linux part 😛 i would rather it have Mac or Windows



