Does h320 really play videos, if it does how can i do it.[/quote]
[quote author=“sajjadracer11”]Does h320 really play videos, if it does how can i do it.
you download something. search for it
What i dont know what to search for i tired h320 video player, it took me to a PVP-120 site
search for “h320 video firmware” or something like that
Thx ALOT now which firmware 1.25 or 1.27
u have to install the taiwan or some other foreign countries firmware. Then ull be able to watch videos on it.
also i thnk iriver came out with a u.s.a firmware but the video has to be under 10FPS and cannot be longer then 1 hour and 40 minutes.
A us firmare would be nice, i dont want a taiwan firmware and my language in the player is all egytpain and ####. iF u know the link to the url of the us firmware can u please post it.
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