i highly recommend against swap magic/slide card/flip-top unless you absoloutely have to.
first of all, you need to figure out which version ps2 you have, if you have v9-10, i recommend the swap solution as lasers will burn out. but if at all possible, you know someone that can solder, i suggest DMS4 EZI w/ romeo mod. note, you only have to solder the romeo mod, no soldering required to install the chip.
if you have v11, i suggest the DMS4 E.Z.I modchip which requires no soldering (just clip on the parts and thats it) you can flash Toxic BIOS onto it so it has built in HDLoader and also the ability to load backups.
if you have v12 (pstwos) i suggest getting a new lid through http://www.ps2lid.com and using the newest swap magic 3’s since there is no EZI for pstwos (the only chips out right now for pstwos are solder chips, only soldering professionals need bother, and you still need to apply the fix-chips)
Use this, to identify your PS2
DMS4 EZI comes out on Jan.15th estimated date. check http://www.divineo.com on how to preorder.
ive been swapping for ages and take it from me, you’d rather stick with a chip.