Prince of Persia
Posted: 06 June 2006 09:19 AM     [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  35
Joined  2006-05-25

Are you playing the 1st one of the Sands of Time series?  Or is it the 2nd or 3rd?

Anyway, I think the 1st one is probably the easiest one (sorry 😊 ) The second one is quite harder albeit not to a point of frustration.  The third one ranks (in difficulty) between the first two.

Posted: 10 June 2006 06:16 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  32
Joined  2006-05-24

I bought the second one and I love the graphics and game story line but I got stuck early on and have not dared to attempt to move on. It was at the part where you have to defeat this crow guy. He’s not the problem. The problem is trying to reach him on these higher ledges. Basically you have to run up a wall, do a back flip, grab a ledge, then run along another wall, flip over to grab a column and then flip on over to grab another ledge. HELLO? That’s like 7 or 8 steps just to reach one bad guy. So yes, this game I would say is quite challenging.

Posted: 27 August 2006 07:38 AM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2006-08-27

I personally have played, and beat all three prince of persia’s. I rented the second one first and beat it before it was due back the next day, then bought the first one and beat it within a week, it only took me that long because i found the storyline annoying, I then rented the third and also beat it before it was due back the next day. I found the second game to be the best, with the 3rd a close second, and the 1st trailing way behind mostly because of the fact you have to finish off every enemy with that stupid dagger. All three i beat on the Ps2, and when i got rid of my ps2 and got an xbox i rented the second one again, both times i found all of the secret weapons/ artwork ect, definately worth the time, I highly reccomend all of them for playing especially the 2nd.

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