Carolina Hurricanes Take Game One Of The Stanley Cup Finals
Posted: 06 June 2006 01:55 AM     [ Ignore ]  
You > Me
Total Posts:  91
Joined  2006-04-06

I watched the game…and really the Hurricanes didn’t deserve it at all 😊

I found the Oilers to be playing better…yet bad luck, and an injured goalie didn’t help.
With their goalie out, I fear for the worst…

Posted: 07 June 2006 03:45 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
In The Club
Total Posts:  463
Joined  2005-09-14

I’m really dissapointed with the two stanley cup playoff teams this year. oilers and hurricains? come on. i was hoping for some more popular teams to be in it. i personally dont really care who wins because its not exciting for me at all. maybe if buffalo beat carolina i’d be watching or if detroit or colorado made it but this is just lame.
