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Saturday April 21, 2012 2:47 am
Zac Posen Wants Everyone to be Trendy
Zac Posen thinks trendy clothing should be accessible to everyone.
The designer has teamed up with Lord & Taylor to create a more affordable line, Z Spoke Zac Posen for Lord & Taylor, and says he was inspired to do it so everyone can have the chance to look good.
"I believe that trendy clothing should be accessible. And I want to directly acknowledge that fashion loves bodies. I love women who have bodies and curves, so I really want to embrace that. My ideal are the women on the street," he told People.
Speaking about his clientele, Zac said, "They are trend-driven, flirtatious, socially savvy through media and life on the street. I try to create a collection that can have a youthful quality to it, but has an age-and shape-diverse ability, too."
Zac also revealed he may create an affordable accessories line, if the clothing range does well: "We'll grow the accessories and some other categories that might happen in the future ... that I can't talk about yet!"
Gallery: Zac Posen Wants Everyone to be Trendy
- Related Tags:
- diffusion lines, inspiration, lord & taylor, retailers, stores, style, z spoke, z spoke zac posen for lord & taylor, zac posen
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