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Friday April 15, 2011 2:46 pm
Women Are Likely to Try New Trends No Matter How Unflattering
The majority of women will try any fashion trend even if they know they won't be able to carry it off. In new a poll by Kenco Millicano, lots females say they are keen to look stylish and fashionable so will don clothes and accessories that might not flatter them, while one in three admit to experiencing a "traumatic trend."
The majority, however, look back on their efforts to keep up with fashion with humor, and 10 percent even reminisce with pride for "giving it a go."
The research goes on to show that 33 percent of women are inspired by strangers on the street while 59 percent are inspired by friends and family. The research is part of Kenco Millicano's search for the UK's top Taste-setters, who can share their trend thoughts and passions whilst inspiring others to follow their lead.
"I am constantly looking online, often where complete strangers are sharing their views. I want to encourage women to come together on one site -- -- to talk about their trend tastes. Whether it's food, fashion, home or beauty we want to hear what you're loving right now!" said actress Keeley Hawes, who is fronting the campaign for the coffee bran.
Gallery: Women Are Likely to Try New Trends No Matter How Unflattering
- Related Tags:
- keeley hawes, ken millicano, polls, research, street fashion, trends
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