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Sunday September 6, 2009 3:18 am
Tim Gunn Loves Lindsay Lohan
Despite the fact that Rachel Zoe has her hands picking out the clothes that brandish her wardrobe, Linsday Lohan has been called “extremely knowledgeable” about fashion.
The 23-year-old actress starred as a guest judge on the sixth season of Project Runway and has been lauded by the show’s consultant Tim Gunn:
“I was surprised and pleased by how extremely knowledgeable about fashion and articulate Lindsay Lohan was. She’s very young and can be portrayed in ways that aren’t all together flattering, and she was a true states person and really weighed in on the designers and what they were doing exceptionally well. And it was really a thrill to have her.”
Tim has also praised show host Heidi Klum—who is currently expecting a daughter with husband Seal, with whom she already raises three children—for her sense of style. He told People, “Heidi has incredible style no matter what condition she’s in, and she looks fabulous in everything. She just always knows what she looks best in and she’s remarkable. I marvel at her all the time.”
Despite being a successful model, the most important thing in Heidi’s life is her family. Tim revealed, “Seal and her kids always come first, and frankly we schedule things around that. I have the greatest respect for her. She’s very, very grounded.”
Gallery: Tim Gunn Loves Lindsay Lohan
- Related Tags:
- celebrities, fashion, fashion designers, guest judge, heidi klum, lindsay lohan, project runway, tim gunn
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