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Tuesday April 13, 2010 6:34 pm
Swinton Looks Hauntingly Beautiful in Pringle of Scotland Campaign
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Celebrities, Editorials, Fashion Designers, Health & Beauty, News,
Red-haired androgynous beauty Tilda Swinton looks “hauntingly” beautiful in her new campaign for Pringle of Scotland.
The Oscar-winning actress - who fronted last season’s advertisements for the label - has been photographed alongside Turner prize winner Douglas Turner in an abandoned oyster bay in Loch Fyne, Scotland, and her unique look shines through. Talking about the campaign shot by photographer Ryan McGinley, Pringle creative director Clare Waight Keller told
“There were really two moods that I felt strongly about for this campaign. The first was to use the Scottish landscape in quite a surreal way, where Ryan’s spectacular lighting, especially in the night photography, really captured the haunting beauty of Tilda and her surroundings and the uniqueness of Douglas Gordon in a truly stunning combination. The second was a slightly more boyish, ‘bovver boy’ feel, a bit more casual, hanging out at the back of a bike shed.”
Both Tilda and Douglas wear pieces from the menswear collection and Clare was impressed with how much Tilda could pull off the look: “One of my favorite images is of Tilda in a beautiful mohair menswear suit, very Bowie-esque with a shock of red hair. The combined photographic talent of Ryan’s dramatic composition and light and Tilda’s luminous beauty have really distilled the blend of modern Scotland and the iconic elements of the autumn/winter collection in perfect harmony.”
Gallery: Swinton Looks Hauntingly Beautiful in Pringle of Scotland Campaign
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- ad campaign, advertising, androgyny, beauty, campaign, celebrities, celebrity gossip, clare waight keller, douglas gordon, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter '10, fallwinter 2010, fashion photographer, fashion photography, photographer, pringle of scotland, ryan mcginley, tilda swinton
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