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Thursday July 21, 2011 8:05 pm
Selena Gomez to Release Perfume
Stealing her boyfriend's idea, or just plain inevitable? Selena Gomez is releasing her own perfume.
The 18-year-old actress says she's been creating a signature scent for the past 12 months and can't wait for people to smell it.
"I've been working on my fragrance for almost a year now. I'm excited, because it's something I'm interested in. I'm already doing the whole process of smelling things and designing it and the campaign and everything, so it'll be fun."
Selena has worked on the fragrance with lifestyle brand Adrenalina and it is expected to hit stores early next year.
"We are incredibly enthused to be working with Ms. Gomez and will reveal more details pertaining to the fragrance as we get closer to the launch date," said a representative for the company.
Gallery: Selena Gomez to Release Perfume
- Related Tags:
- adrenalina, celebrities, fragrance, fragrances, perfume, perfumes, selena gomez, singers
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