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Friday October 8, 2010 9:54 pm
Rihanna Does Her Red Carpet Homework
Fierce dresser Rihanna often texts her celebrity pals before big events to make sure their outfits don’t clash.
The “Rude Boy” singer - who is known for her eccentric fashion choices - revealed her biggest fear is showing up on the red carpet dressed in identical clothes to her friends Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.
“My worst nightmare would be a clash on the red carpet - so we all text each other before to make sure. We’re all kind of fearless with fashion. So Katy and I speak all the time about what we’re going to wear. And Gaga.”
Rihanna admitted she and Katy once came close to having an embarrassing fashion moment when they both chose the same Dolce and Gabbana dress to wear to the Metropolitan Institute Costume Gala. “One time we were going to the Met Ball, and Katy phoned me to check. We were like, ‘Oh My God’, we were both going in this dress by Dolce and Gabbana with Marilyn Monroe’s face all over it. She was like, ‘You can’t. I’ve had my nails done in mink and it matches the dress. I thought, seeing as she’d gone to all that effort, I’d let her wear it.”
Gallery: Rihanna Does Her Red Carpet Homework
- Related Tags:
- celebrities, celebrity gossip, dolce & gabbana, dolce and gabbana, katy perry, lady gaga, red carpet, rihanna
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