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Friday September 3, 2010 1:57 am
Olsen Twins to Work the Register for Fashion Week
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen will man the tills at the launch of their pop-up shop in New York.
The fashionable twins are opening a pop-up branch of Elizabeth + James in the city’s West Village during New York Fashion Week, and will work on the tills for one hour, ringing up customers at the registers from 7pm until 8pm on September 10.
The range, named after Mary-Kate and Ashley’s brother and sister, features a number of looks the twins are fan of, including oversized shirts, ankle boots and belted waists. Recently the 24-year-old sisters - who have three fashion collections; The Row, Elizabeth + James and Olsenboye - recently revealed they would love to dress First Lady Michelle Obama.
Discussing their own style inspiration, Mary-Kate added the twins were taught to look elegantly from an early age: “When we were growing up, our mother taught us never to have your belly button exposed.”
Gallery: Olsen Twins to Work the Register for Fashion Week
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