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Thursday June 10, 2010 9:33 am

Nicole Richie Makes Handbags From Hats

Nicole RichieTalk about creative— turns hats into handbags.

The reality star - who is currently promoting her House of Harlow 1960 and Winter Kate fashion ranges - says she often gets inspired by seeing what other people are wearing and then giving items her own unique twist.

“I was walking around the other day and I saw this woman wearing this great hat and I thought actually that’d make a really good bag so we turned it upside down and now it’s a great looking bag.”

Nicole - who has two children, Harlow, two, and nine-month-old Sparrow with fiance Joel Madden - also revealed she has had to alter her dress sense since becoming a mother to make it practical yet still stylish: “I’m a busy working mother. I’m all for what’s comfortable but I don’t think people today make enough effort with what they wear. At the same time I don’t want to have to get out of bed early to decide what to put on. My jackets are my favorite part of my collection because you can just throw one on over jeans and a vest and it looks like you’ve made an effort.”

Gallery: Nicole Richie Makes Handbags From Hats



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