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Wednesday January 12, 2011 1:37 pm
Nicole Kidman Confesses to Botox Use
Surprise! Nicole Kidman has confessed to using Botox.
The 42-year-old actress has previously denied using any cosmetic treatments to stop the appearance of any wrinkles, but now Nicole admits to trying the procedure but says it wasn't for her.
"I've tried a lot of things, but apart from working out and a good diet most things don't help. I even tried Botox but I didn't like how my face looked afterwards. Now I don't use it anymore - and I can move my forehead again!" Kidman is quoted as telling German magazine TV Movie.
The mother-of-three has always insisted she is "completely natural" and owed her youthful looks to taking care of herself: "To be honest I am completely natural. I have done nothing to my face or anything. I wear sunscreen, I don't smoke and I take care of myself, and I am proud to say that. Anybody can do anything to themselves - I don't judge - but personally I believe in being physically fit. That's how I was raised. I can't go in the sun because I'm fair-skinned. It was a nightmare when I was younger but it has its benefits now."
Gallery: Nicole Kidman Confesses to Botox Use
- Related Tags:
- age, aging, botox, botox cosmetic, botox injections, celebrities, celebrity gossip, confessions, nicole kidman
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