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Friday January 14, 2011 7:59 pm
Marc Jacobs Staying at Louis Vuitton
Fashionistas can breathe easy: Marc Jacobs has no intention of leaving Louis Vuitton.
Robert Duffy - who has worked with the designer for 27 years - says Marc loves working as the fashion house's creative director and is planning to stay. "We are in the process of confirming new contracts, but it's not like hard negotiations are going on. There's an understanding that we want it to continue and they want it to continue. I haven't heard otherwise and I know that Marc especially loves working there. Louis Vuitton is an incredible brand and Marc loves, loves, loves working with them. He loves the energy there. His focus is really on the Louis Vuitton collection - ready-to-wear, accessories, everything - and on Marc Jacobs womenswear."
Robert also revealed that although Marc has "mood swings," working with him is like being part of a "family" and he can't imagine being without him professionally.
"We're definitely like a family. I'm the dad and Marc is the crazy mother! It's like 'How is she today?', 'How are her mood swings?'! We have always worked together, for 27 years, and I don't think we'll ever go our separate ways. We've both done projects separately, of course, when we've been really broke or when we've been fired, but we just know each other so well now."
Gallery: Marc Jacobs Staying at Louis Vuitton
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- fashion designer, fashion designers, louis vuitton, marc jacobs, robert duffy, rumor, rumors
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