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Friday May 28, 2010 9:14 pm

Lindsay Lohan Wants a Chanel SCRAM Bracelet

Lindsay Lohan wearing her SCRAM bracelet back in 2007Partying in Cannes has given a penchant for Chanel—so much that she wants the fashion house to decorate her alcohol-monitoring bracelet!

The actress has to wear the SCRAM device as part of the bail conditions imposed on her by a Los Angeles court but she isn’t a fan of how it looks and has pleaded with the French fashion house to custom-design it. The troubled star posted on her Twitter: “can CHANEL please help me out by getting me some stickers to put on my scram bracelet so that i can at least wear a chic dress?! maybe!? (sic).”

However, the SCRAM bracelet is not allowed to be tampered with and if Lindsay - who has her own fashion line - gets her wish, she could be thrown in jail. As part of her probation, which she was placed on following her second driving under the influence (DUI) conviction in 2007, Lindsay must wear the device at all times, even though her lawyer asked to have the restrictions changed because of her work.

(FYI - You can also follow Chic Dish on Twitter.)

Gallery: Lindsay Lohan Wants a Chanel SCRAM Bracelet



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