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Friday December 23, 2011 8:27 pm
Lindsay Lohan Becomes Face of Jag Jeans
Lindsay Lohan has become the new face of Jag Jeans. The actress - who recently posed naked for Playboy magazine - recently shot a campaign for the denim brand and impressed bosses with her professionalism.
"As Jag Jeans' newest endorser, Lindsay embodies the strength and fearlessness of the woman of today. She is unafraid to be who she is. She is fierce yet exudes feminine grace," a press release read. "Lindsay was so involved with the shoot that she would go as far as adjusting items on the set. She even requested scissors so she could personally fray the edges of her black crepe blouse because she believed it would look better that way. Lindsay would take a hands-on approach to her shots, as she was more than willing to change her hairstyle during mid-shoot and even used her own personal jewelry and accessories when needed."
Gallery: Lindsay Lohan Becomes Face of Jag Jeans
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- actresses, ad campaigns, ads, campaigns, celebrities, jag jeans, jeans, lindsay lohan, photos
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