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Saturday March 31, 2012 2:06 am
Lily Cole: Physical Perfection Doesn’t Exist
Lily Cole doesn't believe in physical perfection. The supermodel and actress admits she has put herself until pressure to maintain a certain look in the past but says as she has gotten older, she realizes that no one is perfect.
Speaking in a new film created for the New Thinker's Index, Lily, 23, said, "I don't believe in perfection, I don't believe it exists and I don't believe it's necessary. I've put myself under a lot of pressure in the past, too skinny or too fat. It can be quite a destructive way to live life. A lot of advertising can make people think you're not enough as you are, you're not enough until you have that or look like that."
Although Lily sometimes got annoyed with photographers demanding constant alterations while shooting her, she admitted Irving Penn, who died in 2009, knew exactly what he was doing.
"In terms of fashion Irving Penn kept making me make such tiny alterations when I posed for him, I remember thinking it seemed silly, it was so particular but after seeing the contact sheet I realized the last two shots had nailed it."
Gallery: Lily Cole: Physical Perfection Doesn't Exist
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- beauty, fashion photography, irving penn, lily cole, models, photographers, quote, quotes
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