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Friday June 3, 2011 10:34 am
Leighton Meester’s Vera Wang Ad Unveiled
Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester has appeared in the latest Vera Wang advert.
The actress - who signed a two-year deal with the brand last year, which was reportedly worth $3 million - has starred in the fashion designer's latest commercial for her new scent Vera Wang Lovestruck. The 25-year-old beauty - who is also a spokesperson for shampoo product Herbal Essences - filmed the broadcast in New York City in November - and she is set to appear in both TV and print ads for the perfume.
In the ad, Leighton is shown waiting at the top of a fire escape as a mystery man clambers up the stairs clutching onto a bunch of pink flowers. The pair finally embrace and Leighton sends the flowers flying over the side of the building, before the scent bottle, which has a clear and pink style, appears onscreen.
Leighton has previously said she does not take any notice of people that refer to her as a fashion icon, pointing out she simply wears whatever she wants: "Gossip Girl has absolutely changed my style. And living in New York I've become more brave and aware of fashion. I completely close my eyes to it when people call me a fashion icon because it's an opinion from people that I don't know. I wear what I like."
Gallery: Leighton Meester's Vera Wang Ad Unveiled
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- actresses, celebrities, fragrances, leighton meester, perfumes, sidefeatured, vera wang, video, videos
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